Welcome to Shedfield Lodge
Everyone living at Shedfield Lodge is valued and supported to live a full, purposeful life, while maintaining and regaining independence, where possible. We understand the uniqueness of every individual and provide a social environment that supports the requirements of each individual, enabling them to be the person they want to be, maintaining dignity, stimulating minds and giving a sense of purpose.
By understanding the world from the prospective of the person experiencing a Dementia, we are able to offer specialist care, centred around each individual ensuring inclusion, respect and choice.
Care Home Of The Year 2023

After our success in previous years, winning Care Home of The Year, Volunteer of the Year & Outstanding Innovation & Best Practice Awards, we are very proud to announce that our team have been awarded the prestigious Hampshire Care Association Care Home of the Year 2023!! This is testament to the hard work, dedication, loving, caring, empathetic, compassionate outstanding team we have here at the lodge. This is for every single member of our team, our residents and their families. Thank you to everyone that nominated us for this fantastic award.
Congratulations to our Kitchen Manager, Kelly, who scooped the award for Chef/Cook of the Year! This is in recognition of her outstanding practice, her versatility and general awesomeness for going over and above to cater for everyone's differing dietary requirements. Not to mention her fabulous daily bakes!!
The awards were presented by Dr Hilary Jones MBE, who was also a brilliant host, who showed genuine warmth to everyone, he was very entertaining and even slipped in a few funnies throughout the evening.
We would also like to thank Debbie & the Dementia Choir, who performed amazingly, it was a true pleasure to have the opportunity to join in with them. Also thanks to Debbie and her team for organising the whole event.
Also, a shout out to all the other nominees & winners of awards last night. Congratulations to you all.
Our biggest thanks go to everyone that lives at Shedfield Lodge, for giving us the honour & privilege of being a part of their lives. We love you all.
Country & Western Summer Fete 2023

Massive thanks to everyone that helped make our "Country & Western" Summer Fete such a success for our residents! From family members, visitors, our fabulous team & our dedicated volunteers, together we created an entertaining experience for everyone!
Extra special thanks to all the lovely people that donated prizes for our raffle that included a Range Rover Velar for the weekend, courtesy of Sytner Land Rover, who also donated a fabulous Lego Land Rover, Vouchers from WISPERS HAIR Hunters Inn Swanmore Quob Park Estate The Square Cow Meon Valley Tearooms & gifts from Confiserie Verdonk Heming and Co & The Village Bakery Thank you all so much!!
As a result, we managed to raise just over £1100.00 on the day, taking our total fund raising for Henry's Disney Trip to just over £11,000!!! You can read more about our fundraising for Henry by clicking here!
If you would like to add to it, you can but be quick, as we will be winding our just giving page down, we will of course let you know the closing date in the next few days, as we will be presenting Henry's family with a 'cheque' shortly!!

Media in May 2020

Following numerous failed PPE deliveries leading to the realisation that thousands of pounds worth of supplies, some ordered in January, simply were not coming, it was to our delight that we received a call from the Daily Mail asking how we were coping with the PPE shortage being experienced by so many other care homes. We explained our situation & they said that may be able to help via their charity, Mail Force. Later that day we received a delivery of masks & coveralls.
Our normal suppliers were simply overwhelmed by the demand for goods & simply could not cope. So the Daily Mail, it's readers & it's charity really did help us out. While we received lots of postive support on our social media platforms, we did receive a lot of negativity via email, which led to our Registered Manager's response being published.
We have since been able to publicly give our view point in interviews with Jess King for The Good Health Show on Mail+ & on Andrew Pierce's podcast.

Care Campaign For The Vulnerable is a independent, non profit organisation, successfully leading the way championing the use of CCTV safety monitoring in communal areas in all care and nursing homes and private rooms with consent. Their team’s personal experience in care allows them to offer help and support to families and carers who contact them as well as advising care providers on the benefits to safety monitoring. Care Campaign has gained the support of many Care Providers, including Shedfield Lodge, care professionals and tens of thousands of supporters. They understand through visits to care homes the many pressures and sometimes unrealistic expectations placed on good, conscientious led care providers in the sector - allowing a balanced understanding on how safety monitoring would be a positive, not just for vulnerable residents, families and care staff but Care Providers too. They passionately champion good person centred care and support for our elderly, especially living with dementia and championing better support for dedicated care workers while promoting the many commercial benefits safety monitoring has on the care home sector and importantly saving valuable NHS resources.
Proudly taking our place on the
Care Campaign For The Vulnerable Advisory Team

We, as the official Ambassador Care Home for Care Campaign For The Vulnerable, attended an Open Day on the 29th January to help other Care Homes & Service Providers understand how Safety Monitoring in Care Homes can be implemented easily & the reassurance it offers families, while protecting privacy & maintaining the dignity of everyone living in the care home & those working there as well. We were able to answer their questions, talk about our reasons for using safety monitoring and our experiences and also outline the process of consultation, policies, procedures and due dilligence prior to installation.
Throughout the year we will also be attending other events to promote the benefits of Safety Monitoring in care settings

Taking our place on a'Question Time' style panel debate..

Tuesday 29th October 2019
The Crown Plaza, Beaconsfield
The Great CCTV In Care Debate

Care Campaign for the Vulnerable organised and hosted a unique and much anticipated CCTV in Care Homes debate on the evening of Tuesday 29th October 2019, welcoming care industry professionals to discuss the emotive and important subject of safety monitoring in all care homes. The first event of it's kind saw a panel of experts, including our Proprietor Andrew Geach & Simon, answer questions from many of Care Campaign For The Vulnerable's 50,000 supporters on our social media forums as well as a LIVE audience asking questions on privacy, compliancy and safeguarding vulnerable residents and staff. The panel also included Professor Martin Green OBE, CEO Care England, Nino Caffaro Probate Lawyer, Trudi Scrivener CEO Ashridge Home Care, Ben Wilson Care Protect Limited, Karin Flower Family in Care, Shaun Keep Say So Limited, Rachel Becket Chairman Wellburn Care Homes, Sally Blackden Dementia Care Trainer, Donald Diamond, Senior Community Engagement Officer at Care Qualities Communities Practice
The end of the debate our 'Should all care homes have safety monitoring in communal areas and private rooms with consent' poll saw 97% of the public say YES. We are leading the way raising awareness for the use of Safety monitoring in all care homes and we understand visiting many care homes and talking to care industry professionals, families and carers are welcoming safety monitoring and dispelling the myths surrounding lack of privacy and dignity. We are grateful to Professor Martin Green OBE for his attendance and valued contribution. We would like to thank everyone for making this special evening a great success and our thanks also go to all our wonderful experts in care panel. We would also like to give our special thanks to our audience members who turned up to add their voices to this very emotive debate.

Our Proprietor, Andrew Geach, gives an exclusive interview to the Daily Express...
In an interview with Giles Sheldrick for the Daily Express, our proprietor, Andrew Geach, gives evidence based figures of savings made to the NHS by not unnecessarily calling 999. Valuable funds that could go towards Social Care and unpaid carers. To read our full report, please click this link
The Alzheimer's Show at Olympia

As part of the Advisory Team & Ambassador Care Home for Care Campaign for the Vulnerable we were delighted to join CCFTV founder & Director, Jayne Connery, on stage to talk over our safety monitoring in care homes initiative at the Alzheimer's show. Shedfield Lodge supports safety monitoring in communal areas, having had this technology for over seven years. Andrew spoke passionately of the overwhelming benefits safety monitoring brings to protect vulnerable residents but also his staff. He spoke passionately regarding unwitnessed falls that can happen when caring for elderly vulnerable people. He told of the many cases before safety monitoring was installed, unwitnessed falls would have had to involve a call to 999 and the resident making a trip to hospital to get checked over in case of a possible head injury. Andrew said since the safety monitoring installation, if any such unwitnessed fall should occur, management look over the footage and in many cases it has shown the resident has voluntarily placed themselves on the floor which results in a no ambulance call out or unnecessary and distressing trip to A & E. Andrew told the conference '' This is something that needs to be addressed, the money the NHS is saved by just our homes having safety monitoring alone is hugely significant - so could you imagine if it was rolled out across ALL care homes?. Our priority first and foremost is about safeguarding our most vulnerable and care staff. Safety monitoring can also ensure our carers are protected. Safety monitoring is a great training tool enabling carers to show where they may have gone wrong... or right!'' Read Shedfield Lodge Statement here :-https://www.carecampaignforthevulnerable.com/files/Safety-Monitoring-In-Communal-Areas-in-Care-Homes.docx
Awards for Inspirational Care
Care Campaign For The Vulnerable Inspiration In Care Award Winners 2019!
We were very honoured to attend The Care Campaign For The Vulnerable Inspiration In Care Awards at The Crown Plaza in Buckinghamshire.
We were even prouder to be presented with the 'Inspirational Leaders in Care' Award.
Care Campaign For The Vulnerable founder, Jayne Connery, presented us with the award at the ceremony hosted by Rob Lamarr.
Also in attendance, was Care Campaign For The Vulnerable Ambassador, British Actress Aimi Macdonald, entertainer Jon Culshaw and Music from the amazing Ida Girls.
Not only did we win this prestigious award but one of our team, Kathy Smith, also won the award for 'Inspirational Individual in Care'.
Out & About with our team....

The Day we caught the train..
For the second year running, on Saturday 15th June 2019, we took part in War On The Line at stations along the Watercress Line.
We do this in memory of a gentleman that used to live at Shedfield Lodge and to recognise the loss of 395 railway staff that were killed and over 2400 that were injured while on duty between 1939 and 1945.