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If you need to make a DSAR, we have prepared a template that you can use..

Andrew Geach, Data Protection Officer

Shedfield Lodge

St Anne's Lane




SO32 2JZ




Dear Andrew Geach


Subject Access Request under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016


I am writing to make a Data Subject Access Request pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016.


Scope  of Request


[This is a general request that relates to any personal data processed about me by or on behalf of Shedfield Lodge].




I only require information in respect of the following:


[Insert any information you think would help us to find what you are seeking, or let us know if there is something in particular, you require]


[Locating  the data]


[Please only provide documents and emails that were created and/or sent between [Insert date range].] [Please only provide emails that were sent between [Insert names].]

Yours sincerely


[Please enter your full name]

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